Sunday, 17 August 2014


As it is Sunday evening, it is time to tell you about the stand out plate of the weekend! Actually there is two…

After three years, my boyfriend decides to show me that he can cook (and very well actually!!) He would tell me off for putting it like that and would proceed to remind me that I love his bangers and mash! But this was no bangers and mash…it was healthy, tasty and original. I don't know what you would call it exactly (I am sure it has a posh Italian name) but it had a pastry base, shaped and raised at the edges and was filled with tomatoes, onion, garlic, peppers - all blended nicely with swirls of mozzarella and baked in the oven. Quick and easy I am told, but absolutely delicious and a taste of real Italia.

The second is a homemade blackberry and chocolate mousse. We spent Sunday afternoon fruit picking and came home with strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.

We had bravely done the chocolate mousse in our first year of university and I remember it went down a storm with Morgan's housemates, so decided to try and replicate our success and incorporate blackberries. We liked the recipe because it didn't require buying lots of different ingredients for one baking session and then pushed to the back of the cupboard and never used again. All you need is eggs, caster sugar and chocolate - oh and of course this variation included blackberries.

You melt the chocolate and in the meantime separate the egg yolks and egg whites and add the sugar to the egg yolks and whisk (preferably with an electric mixer, but as we found out it isn't too bad whisking by hand) until thick and pale. Then add the melted chocolate and mashed blackberries to the egg and sugar mixture, mix well and then put to one side. Then whisk the egg whites until stiff and slowly fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, careful not to over mix because the mixture will end up to heavy instead of light and airy. Once folded in and combined well, pour into moose pots (wine glasses with a thick stem work well) and leave in the fridge for 2 hours to set.

Then do whatever two hours on a sunday afternoon calls for and return to your mousses, top them each with a small flake and two whole blackberries. Ta dah!

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